
Twitter is one of the biggest social media systems in the world. You need to be part of it to create an online place for people to meet your business. Here’s three good reasons why you should do this.

Join a global community
There are many millions of active business Pages on Twitter so move forward and become part of the community today.
Connect with customers
More than 300 million people use Twitter on a daily basis making this an essential platform to connect with a person or business.
Create a mobile hub
On average, around 500 million tweets are sent a day. Out of these, 80% are from mobile devices. Get on Twitter now!

So what are the benefits?

1: You will have increased your online presence. Your Twitter page will reflect your website content, and will contain your contact details and links to your site.

2: Twitter has its own internal search engine which you can be found on. This means a new range of customers will be able to see and check out your page.

3: Twitter has a whole host of social networking features. The most effective of these is being able to share any content you like with anyone who follows you.

4: It helps with search engine optimisation as it will contain quality, relevant links to your site which will be recognised by Google and will enhance your online reputation.

So do Twitter charge to create a business page?

The short answer is no. If you wanted to, you could set this up yourself, however, if you would like us to do this for you, we will carry out the following work:

1: We will create your Twitter business account.
2: We also make sure your Twitter name is related to your business name.
3: Design the page, enter your company details and upload correctly sized artwork.
4: Help you learn how to tweet from your mobile or tablet.
5: If applicable, connect your Facebook account so tweets appear on your Facebook page and vice versa.
6: If required, we can add a Twitter feed to your website.

To ensure your page is set up correctly, we will carry out the above work for an amazing £75.00.

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Call us today on 01706 538501